

A fullstack e-commerce site built with React, Redux, Express, Node and PostgreSQL. Check out the deployed version here!


This project was our first major group project at Fullstack Academy, codenamed "Grace Shopper". We were tasked with building an e-commerce store complete with user authentication, a fully populated database, secure routes, and plenty more. My groupmates and I adopted the Agile methodology, conducting daily stand-ups each morning, and writing up our user stories on our project board, which were then divided among each of us. We worked in vertical slices, where one person would implement a feature from the database level, to the front end component. We also took a test driven development approach, adding unit tests across the stack. Lastly, CI/CD with Travis was another measure we took that greatly increased our code throughput.

You can take a look at our code to see how we implemented the cart with Redux, or how we dealt with checkout using the Stripe API.

Build Status
